题目一:Key Generation From Wireless Channels, Innovative Wireless Security for Internet of Things
报告人:张军青 高级讲师(英国利物浦大学)
报告人简介:Dr. Junqing Zhang is a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) with the University of Liverpool, UK. He received a Ph.D degree in Electronics and Electrical Engineering from Queen's University Belfast, UK in 2016. His research interests include the Internet of Things, wireless security, key generation, radio frequency fingerprint identification and wireless sensing. His work mainly involves designing innovative and practical wireless security solutions for future wireless technologies with ultra-low energy requirements but high security standards. He was a recipient of the EPSRC New Investigator Award.
报告人:王宁 教授(重庆大学)
报告人简介:重庆大学“泓深青年学者”教授、博士生导师。北京邮电大学博士,美国乔治梅森大学博士后研究员。研究方向包括:物理层安全认证,无人系统安全,信息物理系统安全及隐私保护以及机器学习等。相关研究成果先后发表于IEEE Networks Magazine, IEEE TIFS, IEEE TWC, IEEE INFOCOM, IEEE IOT J,等国际顶级期刊及会议,截至目前发表论文40余篇,受邀为多个期刊及会议审稿人与客座编辑。
报告人:贺宏亮 副教授(中国地质大学(武汉))
报告人简介:中国地质大学(武汉)机电学院副教授,通信工程系副主任,地理环境感知研究所副所长,西安交通大学通信工程系博士学位,美国UMass Amherst访问学者;主持/参与国家自然科学基金、广东省面上基金、广州市基础研究基金、以及武汉长江航道局等单位横向课题。研究方向包括物理层安全、物联网接入控制、LoRa组网等。
题目四:Integrated Security, Communication, and Sensing Techniques and Their Applications
报告人:方禾 博士后(加拿大西安大略大学)
报告人简介:于2020年10月获得加拿大西安大略大学电子与计算机工程专业博士学位,于2018年6月获得福建师范大学应用数学专业博士学位。报告人长期从事物理层安全、跨层和分布式安全方面的研究,在国内外重要期刊和会议上发表50余篇论文,其中第一/通讯作者论文30余篇,包括IEEE TCOM、TWC、TSP、TIFS和CM等重要期刊论文20余篇,并获得IEEE GLOBECOM 2023最佳论文奖。她担任多个国际期刊的编委和客座编委,包括《China Communications》编委、《网络与信息安全学报》青年编委和《IEEE Wireless Communications》客座编委。她还担任中国电子学会通信分会青年工作组副主任、曾担任IEEE加拿大伦敦分区通信与广播联合分会副主席, 以及多个重要国际会议的Co-chair、Track/Symposium Chair、TPC Member和Session Chair。
题目五:Deep Learning-Enhanced Radio Frequency Fingerprint Identification
报告人:申冠雄 副教授(东南大学)
报告人简介:Dr Guanxiong Shen is currently an Associate Professor (Tenure-Track) with the School of Cyber Science and Engineering, Southeast University,Nanjing, China. He received his PhD from the University of Liverpool, UK, in 2023, and B.Eng from Xidian University in 2019. He targets cutting-edge research at the intersection of wireless communications, artificial intelligence and cybersecurity. His current research interests include but not limited to radio frequency fingerprint identification, physical layer security, wireless sensing and AI security in the wireless context.
时 间:2024年1月15日(周一)上午8:30 开始
地 点:南海楼338室