题 目:Nonabelian Hodge Correspondence on Noncompact Curves
内容简介:In this talk, I will first make a brief overview about the development and recent progress about the nonabelian Hodge correspondence (NAHC). After the establishment of nonabelian Hodge correspondence on smooth projective varieties in 1994, people began to focus on generalizing this theory to noncompact case. Generally speaking, the theory then is divided into two cases: tame and wild. Simpson first established the tame NAHC on noncompact curves in 1990, and then Biquard-Boalch consider the wild case under some good conditions in 2004. Based on these work, the theory has been generalized to principal bundles by introducing parahoric objects. This work is adjoint with Pengfei Huang, Georgios Kydonakis and Lutian Zhao.
报告人:孙浩 副教授(华南理工大学)
时 间:2023年3月1日(周三)下午 15:00 始
地 点:暨南大学石牌校区教学楼A513