
发布时间: 2021-12-16 来源: 信息科学技术学院

题 目:Approximation capabilities of neural networks on unbounded domains

内容简介:In this talk, we overview universal approximation theorems of single-hidden layer nets on unbounded domains, including the work of Ito (1992) and Chen-Chen-Liu (1995) and Wang-Qu (2022). In particular, we explain those tools used in Wang-Qu (2022) are related to classical estimates that appeared in the transcendental number theory and Nevanlinna theory.

Moreover, it is a central topic in the theory of networks that why deeper nets are more powerful than shallow nets, on which we demonstrate that two-hidden layer ReLU nets are universal approximators in Lp(Rn), while single-hidden layer nets are not.

报告人:太盟投资集团 汪明晰 博士

报告人简介:先后在北京大学、香港大学、苏黎世联邦理工学院(ETH) 分别获得数学学士、硕士、博士学位,并获得ETH最佳博士论文奖。曾在马普研究所,法兰克福大学,达姆施塔特工业大学,萨尔斯堡大学从事学术访问或博士后工作,后入职瑞士百达银行和太盟投资集团。其学术成就包括独立解决了dynamical Mordell-Lang猜想的一个不平凡的情形,与合作者完整刻画了双曲空间真自映射幺半群的结构,与合作者成功解决了算数动力系统中的Habegger问题。当前研究方向为人工智能的数学理论和数论,其成果分别发表于《Acta Arithmetica》《Neural Networks》和《Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.》等著名杂志。


 点:腾讯会议 ID:274-317-317





