
发布时间: 2021-08-14 来源: 信息科学技术学院

  目:Three generations of IC technologies from Silicon, GaAs, to high power GaN microelectronics

内容简介:Over the past 70 years, semiconductor IC technologies have developed very rapidly, starting with single crystal silicon (G1), later with compound semiconductor (CS) GaAs (G2), to latest wide-bandgap GaN (G3) technologies. All become our major part of economic, scientific and engineering activities worldwide.

This seminar reviews historical perspective from simple transistors, invented by Shockley, Bardeen and Brattain, to complex integrated circuits, which have grown exponentially in complexity, performance, and applications. The goal is to help understand from basic silicon BJT and MOSFET technologies to applications, IC fabrication process such as lithography, wafer-level characterizations and reliability. GaAs and GaN technologies in MESFET and PHEMT will be briefly introduced to compare with Silicon properties.

报告人:暨南大学  高峰  教授

报告人简介:研究方向为模拟集成电路设计、射频功率器件的测量与表征、集成电路芯片质量和可靠性的测量与评估。1992年博士毕业于美国佛罗里达大学,1992-1995年任密西根大学安娜堡分校和伊利诺伊大学博士后研究员。1995-2018年担任美国高科技公司(Skyworks SolutionsMACOM Technology等)的高级总工程师和高级工程经理,从事半导体器件和IC芯片的技术研发,编写美国专利,撰写或合著60多篇国际期刊或会议论文。20191月到现在担任暨南大学讲座教授,2020年入选广东省银龄专家

  间:2021820日(周五) 上午 1000开始

  点:腾讯会议  会议ID833 966 655




