题 目:Security of Deep - Battle on the Face
内容简介:During past several years we have seen many improvements on machine learning technologies which have also been deployed in many real world systems. However, this has also brought some new security problems at the same time. One example is the security of face based authentication system. It has been reported that current face authentication systems can be easily cheated with masks and/or computer generated videos. In the first part of this talk, I will introduce one of my works on performing liveness detections which will check if a given face image is coming from a live person or not. Another problem is adversarial machine learning, where attackers could craft and feed a ambiguous image into a vulnerable machine learning system, resulting a wrong classification results, meanwhile the problem should not exist for human beings. In this talk, I will introduce a work on how to find malicious image samples for a given machine learning system efficiently and at the same time without being noticed. For example, it was said that machine learning algorithms now can have better. In the last part of this talk, I will introduce a work on data set poisonous problem, i.e., a robust detection algorithm for back-door contaminations inside atraining dataset.
报告人:香港中文大学 张克环 副教授
时 间:2019年12月23日(周一)下午3:30始
地 点:南海楼224室