
发布时间: 2019-11-04 来源: 信息科学技术学院

题  目:Testing Based Formal Verification for Software Quality Assurance and Cost Reduction

内容简介:Testing and formal verification are two important means for software verification and validation, but they suffer from critical challenges. Testing shows the presence of bugs but never their absence. Formal verification can show the correctness for correct programs but not for incorrect programs. Unfortunately, the very reality in software development is that a newly developed system always contains bugs and is unlikely to be correct in the beginning. How to formally prove the correctness of programs in a cost effective manner is still a challenge. In this talk, after briefly discussing the characteristics and challenges of current verification and validation approaches, a new approach, known as Testing Based Formal Verification (TBFV), will be introduced. TBFV results from an appropriate integration of formal specification based testing and Hoare logic for proving program correctness. It is a rigorous gray box testing approach that takes both the specification and the program structure into account. The most important benefit of TBFV is that it can be applied automatically to ensure the correctness or high reliability of programs.

报告人:日本法政大学  刘少英  教授

报告人简介:IEEE Fellow和英国计算机协会(BCS)Fellow。 1982年1月毕业于西安交通大学,1987年获同大学的计算机科学硕士学位,1992年获得英国曼彻斯特大学计算机科学博士学位。主要研究领域包括软件工程,软件开发的形式化工程方法,软件设计方法,程序验证,软件测试,以及智能软件工程环境。从1994年以来,已领导和主持由日本文部科学省,国立信息研究所(NII), 大川情报科学财团,以及日本信号,NTT Data, 和三菱电机等日本政府,财团和大企业分别资助的20多个研究项目,是华为和卡斯柯信号有限公司的技术顾问,创立和发展了“软件开发的形式化工程方法”(CCF推荐的国际学术会议),研制开发了SOFL形式化工程开发语言和方法,由Springer出版专著一本,编著由IEEE CS Press和Springer LNCS系列出版的论文集10多本,在包括IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, Journal of Systems and Software等国际学术期刊和国际会议发表200多篇论文。曾被Journal of Systems and Software评为1993年至1996年期间的在系统和软件工程领域的世界top 15名学者之一,1996年获得由IEEE国际会议授予的“优秀论文奖”, 2011年10月获中国国家示范软件学院十佳兼职教師奖,2017年6月获得IEEE可靠性协会日本分会的2016年最佳论文奖。曾多次担任ICFEM,ICECCS等国际会议的大会主席和程序委员会主席,以及数目繁多的国际会议的PC委员,被欧,美,亚,奥等地区的60多个大学和研究机关以及国际会议邀请作学术报告.担任IEEE Transactions on Reliability和Software Testing,Verification and Reliability (STVR)学术期刊的 Associate Editor以及International Journal of Intelligent Internet of Things Computing的Advisory Board成员。

时  间:2019年11月9日(周六)上午10:00始

地  点:南海楼338室




