
发布时间: 2018-11-26 来源: 信息科学技术学院


题目一:Scalable Content Delivery with Coded Caching in Multi-Antenna Fading Channels

内容简介:Do the gains from massive MIMO and coded caching cumulate? In this talk, we try to answer this question in a simple setting of downlink MIMO channel with Rayleigh quasi-static fading. While it is generally perceived that each of massive MIMO and coded caching is scalable alone (with respect to the number of users), we show that in this setting MIMO and coded caching are indeed complementary and the synergy between them provides a scalable solution in most practical scenarios. In particular, we show that, using coded caching and wireless multicasting, linear scaling of the content delivery rate with respect to K can be achieved in three different ways without channel state information at the transmitter (CSIT). When CSIT is available, we propose a mixed strategy that combines spatial multiplexing and multicasting. Numerical results show that, by optimizing the power split between spatial multiplexing and multicasting, we can achieve a significant gain of the content delivery rate with moderate cache size.

题目二:Storage, Computation, and Communication: A Fundamental Tradeoff in Distributed Computing

内容简介:Common big data analytics strongly rely on distributed/parallel computing over a large number of servers. In such systems, communication for data shuffling is a main bottleneck that limits the overall execution time. In this talk, we are interested in the coded distributed computing recently proposed by Li et al. for the MapReduce-like framework. We will present how coding can reduce significantly the communication load, as well as our recent result on the optimal storage-computation-communication trade-off for the shared link setting. If time permits, we will further discuss how to design a distributed computing scheme from any placement delivery array (PDA) previously proposed for coded caching. This is a joint work with Qifa Yan and Michèle Wigger.

报告人:法国中央理工-高等电力学院(CentraleSupélec, France) Sheng Yang(杨盛)  教授

报告人简介:Sheng Yang received the B.E. degree in electrical engineering from Jiaotong University, Shanghai, China, in 2001, and both the engineer degree and the M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from Telecom ParisTech, Paris, France, in 2004, respectively. In 2007, he obtained his Ph.D. from Université de Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI). From October 2007 to November 2008, he was with Motorola Research Center in Gif-sur-Yvette, France, as a senior staff research engineer. Since December 2008, he has joined CentraleSupélec where he is now a full professor. From April 2015, he also holds an honorary professorship in the department of electrical and electronic engineering of the University of Hong Kong (HKU). He received the 2015 IEEE ComSoc Young Researcher Award for the Europe, Middle East, and Africa Region (EMEA). He is an editor of the IEEE transactions on wireless communications.


题目三:Capacity Limits of Full-Duplex Cellular Network

内容简介:This paper explores the information theoretical capacity limits of uplink-downlink transmissions in a wireless cellular network with full-duplex (FD) base-station (BS) and half-duplex user terminals. We recognize the cross-channel interference between the terminals as the main capacity bottleneck, and propose novel strategies that use BS as a relay to facilitate interference cancellation. We model the FD cellular system as a two-user interference channel with an extra cross-link feedback from the uplink receiver to the downlink transmitter, and show that the feedback allows a larger achievable rate region than the conventional non-feedback schemes. This paper further provides a converse and shows that the proposed scheme achieves the capacity of the full-duplex cellular network to within a constant additive gap. Finally, this paper considers a new scenario in which the uplink terminal has additional information to transmit to the downlink terminal directly. Relaying by the BS is shown to play a crucial role in maximizing the achievable rate in this case.

报告人:加拿大多伦多大学  沈闓明  博士



时  间:2018年11月27日(周二)上午10:30始

地  点:南海楼124室





