题 目:Spokes and convergence
内容简介:Many topological spaces are determined by their convergent sequences. In this talk, I will describe structural characterisations of these spaces and discuss the connections with spaces that arise in analysis, topological dynamics and categorial dualities.
报告人:Lecturer Robert Leek School of Mathematics The University of Birmingham
报告人简介:Robert Leek joined Birmingham in August as part of the Jinan flying faculty. His background is in set-theoretic or general topology, specifically on convergence properties (such as radiality and Fréchet-Urysohn) and structures that characterise these. Recently, he has begun transitioning to topological dynamics, working with colleagues on non-metrisable and induced dynamical systems.He also has interests in logic, infinite combinatorics, and surreal numbers.
时 间:2017年11月24日(周五)下午4:00始
地 点:南海楼330室